Rachel Goodwin

I Help You Transform Your Leadership Skills

To Enable You To Develop Others

Become the Leader people want to follow.

Transform Your Leadership Skills


Transform Your Leadership Skills

And become the Leader people want to follow

Move Your Business from Side Hustle to Main Hustle with Consistent Sales

Leadership is a process of continual learning

Leadership inevitably brings unexpected challenges and each new challenge will require a shift in mindset and the deployment of new skills. This can prove tricky for even the most seasoned professional.

Working together we can overcome these obstacles by building awareness and developing new strategies and approaches to the issues you are facing. Successfully navigating these challenges results in a renewed sense of confidence and fulfilment in the workplace.

There is always scope for growth as a leader and coaching accelerates that growth.

Attend the next Power of Assertiveness Workshop

Discover how to use assertiveness in your role as a leader to overcome challenges and build stronger relationships.

Hello, I’m Rachel

I help Leaders to fully identify and realise their leadership identity and unlock their true potential.

Having worked with hundreds of clients across a broad range of sectors I know that having the right support at the right time can be crucial for the success of the individual and the business alike.

Here’s How I Can Help


Leadership is multifaceted, and it’s the culmination of a variety of skills that make a great leader.

It is easy to underestimate the power of daily behaviours that will build sustained growth for you as a leader.

Don’t overlook these simple but powerful practices.



Gain a solid foundation in leading people

Navigate challenges

Build resilience

Build a network

Build visibility

Navigate your landscape skilfully

Seize your opportunity, and join my group programme to take your leadership forward.



Work 1 to 1 with me for 9 months to transform your leadership skills.

Leadership can be tough at the best of times. It can also be lonely and challenging, which is where I can help. To have a real impact requires space to develop and grow.

Let’s have a conversation to see how I can help you.

Feedback from Clients

My coaching with Rachel really helped me as a very busy senior leader. It was the first time that I had a space held for me where I could be honest and open as Rachel was completely independent. Rachel helped me to reflect on a number of issues and then find a way forward and really helped me reframe some issues and challenges.

I think in terms of my leadership the biggest impact that it had was to view things from other people's perspectives and that I could give myself a break and I didn't need to fix everything. Also, to take the emotion out of situations which has been very helpful.

Julie - Executive Director

My coaching with Rachel was invaluable. My coaching started at a point where I was struggling with numerous difficult work issues but Rachel was able to cut through it all and get to the heart of the issue very quickly. With her support I was able to figure out what it was that I really wanted to achieve in my career. This enabled me to leave a role that was not working for me and set up a brand new organisation that has thrived beyond all expectations!

Working with Rachel has definitely made me a more empathic and ambitious leader. I have gained great insights into communicating effectively and the confidence to go into difficult conversations knowing that I am prepared for whatever happens. It's amazing having Rachel there as what really is my most valuable resource.

Aoife – Chief Executive


Listen to invaluable, insightful and engaging conversations…

I’ve been able to have some incredible guests on my podcast covering topics from difficult conversations to resilience and different career paths and opportunities.

Catch up and be sure not to miss the next episode.

Brands that I’ve worked with